Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter and Spring!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter...we sure did! It was a beautiful sunny day in NC, the kind of day you picture when you think of Easter. Our weekend was filled with Easter egg hunts, bunny sightings, brunches, family, and a beautiful church service (with incredibly beautiful music!)...what more could you ask for?! William and I even got a long afternoon nap on Easter Sunday...nothing better! More than anything this Easter weekend, I was reminded of the great sacrifice that the Lord has made for us. In this fast-paced, instant gratification society that we now live in it is rare that we feel much real sacrifice. It is becoming easier and easier to get what we want, when we want it, without much sacrifice. I kept reminding myself this weekend that God sacrificed his only son for me. For you. Someone died for me, so that I may live a full and everlasting life. Somehow, for me, that just makes me want to slow down a little bit, enjoy the beauty of Spring, and appreciate the new and abundant life around me.

Speaking of life around me....there is lots of life around here at the Woltz household! Will and Jack are every bit of two-and-a-half going on three! We are super-busy all the time, but very happy to be:) Here are some pictures from Easter and early Spring!

Easter Sunday Brunch (we missed you, Jeff & Ellen!)

Will diving in for his cupcake:)


The Bunny came!

New trains!

We could spend all day, every day, doing just this!

The Kiki bunny came, too!

A new football! Jack loves playing ball with his daddy:)

Ooooh! A new guitar, too!

Can't decide which is better....the football, or the guitar?

Will (my bookworm) will just take the books!

He honestly sits for hours a day, just like this, just reading books:)

Reading with Kiki

The Bunny Breakfast at Old Town on Saturday...

Silly Will:)

He LOVES to be silly!

So sweet:)

Jack and Papa

Our first attempt at a family picture...although it looks like it, Jack is NOT sound asleep on William's shoulder! And Will is not about to fall asleep in my arms...they have perfected the art of faking it!!

Attempt number two....a little better

The Easter Bunny! (a slightly terrifying version, if you ask me)

Easter Egg hunt!

This is so funny to me! If you had asked me before hand what this picture would look like, I would have said this exactly! Jack cautiously checking him out, Will freaking out:) William and I desperately trying to get a good family picture!

Easter flower arrangement! I am channeling my creativity these days in flower arranging:)

Spring arrangements for a church luncheon

Big boys! Will and Jack have graduated from high chairs and now have a "big boy" table in the kitchen! See that white wall beside them? It will probably be orange in the next few weeks:)

Sweet boys holding hands at the playground

Jack at the Preschool Easter egg hunt

Once again, SILLY Will:)

Hanging out with Sweet Maggie:)

I found one!

Kiki bought Will this baby lounge chair last week....cracks me up! Who could ask for an easier child....he sits and reads books all day! I'm hoping he will do this with me on the beach this summer:)

On the other hand, Jack won't sit still:) Here he is "mowing the lawn" at a birthday party!

Handyman Will

At a "Bob the Builder" birthday party!

Enjoying popsicles!

Reading with Papa...

Reading with Kiki....

Reading at the doctor's office...

Reading at Costco!...

Reading at home...I'm telling you, these boys LOVE to read:)

Playing with the Hooks'!

Jack and Borden


The kiddos eating dinner!

The ice cream truck came!

"Fishing" at Sci Works over Spring Break

Celebrating Papa's birthday earlier this spring....the boys love cake!


  1. Amen to that my friend! Love this! Great pictures :) xoxo

  2. Katie, your boys are so cute, I can't get enough!!!! Happy Spring to y'all, xoxo
