Seventy degrees in February? After the winter we've had, we'll take it! We have had the most beautiful weather the past two weeks and have taken full advantage of it! Lots of long walks, trips to the park, and playing in the back yard:) We also made our first trip to the Circus...I wish I had pictures to was so cute! I can already tell it is going to be a fun Spring and Summer for Will and Jack. These two are FULL of energy and it is wearing this mamma out! Jack is our little sports fanatic...he loves them all! Golf, tennis (although he's never played, he talks about it like he has), football, baseball, etc. He loves saying, "Go Tarheels!" and "It's Sports Center!" when William turns on ESPN. Will on the other hand is our little book worm:) He LOVES books! He calls them his "stories" and will sit and study them for hours! He is also the definition of rascal:) Watch out!
Here are a few pictures from this month....
Wild man:)
Playing with our best friends, Borden and Maggie. This was our best attempt to get a cute picture of the four of them on the sofa....yikes!
Jack's first smooch! I hope these two get married some day!
yay you are back! love these posts! okay, what outside toys do i need for lawton this summer? he is walking as of 2 weeks me out! ;-)