I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We sure did at the Woltz house:) Christmas time is a very magical time for toddlers! The boys were constantly singing Christmas songs (Jingle bells, Santa Clause is coming to Town, O Christmas Tree!...). Melt my heart! The only problem is that they still think it is Christmas and it is January. They continue to sing their songs, talk about Santa coming (how do they not know that he already came?!), and now that all the decorations are down, Jack says daily, "I need more Christmas!" Don't we all, buddy:) We were supposed to celebrate Christmas as one big happy family with my family and William's. Unfortunately, Kiki and Papa were struck by the stomach but (probably our fault, sorry!) on Christmas morning. As sad as it was not to have them here with us that morning, we decided to celebrate all over again the next day! We were very blessed with lots of love and laughter this year, and can only pray for another great year to come!