Sorry that it has been so long since our last blog post! I have to be honest, I have not taken that many pictures of the boys lately because it is just too hard to get any good ones.....ALL THEY DO IS MOVE!! I am writing this at the end of a very LONG day in toddler-land! Life has become quite a challenge lately. We have discovered the word "no" and how to throw a meantemper is fun:)
Ok, all venting really is great! We have so much to be thankful for and the boys are doing fantastic! Since I wrote last the boys have started Preschool!! To avoid the worst of flu season, we kept them out of school until March. After a loooong, cold winter, we were all very ready! Although we usually have quite a few tears during drop-off, the boys are adjusting very well and love exploring and playing with their friends:)
My new favorite thing to do is listen to the boys sing. They love singing the "Elmo's World" song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Jack can sing his entire ABC's! Jack can also count to 15!! My jaw hit the floor when I heard him do it, completely unsolicited, the other day! He is quite the chatter box:) They both say "I love Mama!" and "I love Dada!" which is very nice to hear after a long day of challenging behavior! Can you tell I'm a proud Speech Pathologist mother??
Here are a few pictures of the boys from the past month. Please don't think I'm biased by putting up so many pictures of Will....he is easier to capture pictures of (partly because Jack is always crying.....j/k, Jack!). I promise to put up more pictures after our week at the beach and Easter weekend!
Happy Spring! Nothing says Easter like baby chicks:)